Our philosophy

Science First

We ignore market hype and focus on clinically proven results

Our Pillars


We work exclusively with suppliers we trust to source the highest quality ingredients.


FDA cGMP compliant at all stages of production. Our ingredients & blends are third party lab tested, the gold standard for safety.


All our formulas are backed by the latest research to ensure they meet your body’s needs efficiently—more benefit, fewer pills.


We package our products in a clean-room environment using pharmaceutical-grade equipment—all in accordance with guidelines.


All of our packaging is environmentally friendly. We don't use any plastic anywhere in our process.

  • 92%

    Noticed a difference.

  • 100+

    Ingredients tested

  • 200,000+

    Hours saved from procrastination

  • 86%

    Increase in output at work

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Our promises are backed by science.

True focus. Real energy. Quality sleep.

Caffeine doesn't provide usable energy, it blocks adenosine receptors. Taking melatonin causes drowsiness and results in your body producing less of it's own. Our ingredients target your needs at a systematic level, to provide real results.


Meet the founder

Why did I start Insight?

When I was run over by a car, my life changed.

Hi, I'm Tanner, founder of Insight Lab. Growing up I was obsessed with sciences and health and learning. To me, my mind has always been my most valuable asset. That said, when I was 18, I was run over on the highway as a pedestrian, resulting in severe brain damage. Instead of resting and allowing myself to heal, with no money and bills to pay, I had to return to work. So my brain damage lasted years, resulting in mood swings, irritability and serious cognitive decline. I had trouble retaining new information and progressing in my endeavors. After a while, I was restless and needed to get back to normal. Finding adaptogens, nootropics and even psychedelics helped me regain my cognitive ability and find my way into a career as a software engineer, where problem solving and cognitive performance are vital.

Why does this matter? I believe there is a lot of untapped potential to these substances. When I ask people, it's rare anyone knows the terms nootropics and adaptogens, or if they do, they aren't too sure what they are, or if they're safe. Nootropics are substances that improve cognition through one or more methods, like increasing neurotransmitters or alpha brain waves. Adaptogens regulate stress and brain health, for instance, Lions Mane simulates brain cell growth, while Ashwagandha decreases cortisol levels.

These substances offer more than just cognitive enhancement, they offer enhanced neuroplasticity and neuroprotection that can fight neurodegeneration. They not only assist in day-to-day focus and productivity but long term brain health.

Our mission is to help nourish your brain to become and remain its best. We aim to do this by supporting natural deep sleep, focus, energy and creativity.

I grew up with undiagnosed ADHD. I could focus for hours on things I enjoyed but would turn into a dead zone when I needed to work on things I didn't enjoy. Sometimes it would get so bad that it would discourage me from doing anything. I've never taken Adderall but I haven't heard great things. What has helped me? A proper diet, a healthy lifestyle, and nootropics.

I developed the first product for my ADHD brother and it really made a difference. He noticed he was able to focus for much longer than usual and started asking for more before exams and important meetings. I started Insight Lab to help others and I hope it helps you on whatever endeavor you're on.

Tanner Cottle

"Anything is possible, if you want it to be."