Insight cares a lot about the brain, but what about the heart?

Insight cares a lot about the brain, but what about the heart?

Types of fibrillation and tachycardia, amongst other cardiovascular conditions related to heart rhythm, can be exacerbated by too much caffeine. Even just 50 to 300 mg of caffeine, the amount in 1/2 to 3 cups of coffee (or one cup of cold brew), increases heart rate and blood pressure.

The effects of caffeine begin reasonably soon after consumption (as soon as 15 minutes) and can last for hours. Caffeine has multiple effects on the central nervous system and the heart. Typically, most people will experience an increase in their heart rate, the degree of which differs between individuals. 

The average American consumes 3 cups of coffee daily, averaging (depending on the drink) 300 - 600mg of caffeine. While the recommended daily caffeine intake is 400mg, generally speaking, most people can handle 3 cups of coffee, with their main side effects being an afternoon crash and potentially jitters. Also, consider caffeine addiction. However, people with certain heart conditions, or those more prone to heart rhythm alterations, could be advised to limit their daily intake even further. 

No caffeine? How do I get through the day?

While there are many ways to boost energy levels and increase focus, such as exercise and a healthy diet, not everyone wants to or can alter their entire lifestyle, particularly to replace a cup of joe. However, the market is flooded with double espresso drinks and caffeine-loaded energy drinks, with few low-caffeine options. Caffeine does not boost the body's energy levels but instead blocks the adenosine receptors responsible for feeling fatigued. It also triggers the body to release adrenaline, so the focus state is tighter and not as clear as the body goes into emergency mode.

There are many people with reasons to avoid caffeine. Whether it is health-related, anxiety, caffeine addiction, or other reasons, people should have options available to help them get through their day. Our coffee is crafted from decaf beans and functional mushrooms, and our Focus Blend boosts the body's energy levels and provides a clear, relaxed focus state. All of this without spiking the adrenaline, blocking the adenosine receptors, creating an addiction, or dangerously raising the heart rate.

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