While we revamp our nootropic shots, please enjoy Revelation Nootropics® | Unleash a new you

Out perform your best self

We empower people like you, to be everything they can be.

Revelation Nootropics® is a human-centered, innovative supplement company, specialized in creating highly advanced cognitive enhancement products and experiences that transform the way people live.

Understanding that time is their most precious, non-renewable resource, and following essential evolutionary principles, Revelation Nootropics® has developed next-generation nootropic supplements that unleash one's true potential, providing more time and the right mindset to achieve greatness.

Revelation Nootropics® has brought together a team of smart, talented professionals, underdogs, and outsiders. They have been pushed beyond their comfort zones, and thinkers, makers, explorers have had their potential unleashed on the world by creating patented nootropics that are in a class of their own.

We are Revelation.

We are science, culture and attitude combined.We are the experience of true self-expression that goes beyond traditional limitations.


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Nootropics, reinvented.

The original idea for the creation of the WUKIYO® line of products was initiated with a Transhumanism way of thinking about the future. This perspective is based on the premise that the human species, in its current form, does not represent the end of our development but rather a comparatively early phase.

The belief is that there must be a continuation and acceleration of the evolution of intelligent life beyond its human limitations, achieved through science and technology guided by life-promoting principles and values.

What started years ago as a scientific research project has now evolved into superior, premium-quality nootropic supplements. These products are designed to support and improve the peak-performing brain-state of individuals.

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